Learning new rhythms

2023 was wonderfully intense. The book contract was signed, manuscript written, sent in, and two days later I went into labor with our first child. Six weeks later I began the editing process, and within a record amount of time my Amazing publishing company printed and launched my book. The fall was full of book promotion events and podcast interviews and we sold out of our first printing at the end of the year. Amidst all that, Kyle’s health grew to be the worst it’s ever been in our marriage but we finally found a practitioner who got to the bottom of the root causes and developed a therapy protocol that seems to be working. Amidst all of that we were learning the New Parent Learning Curves of sleep cycles, keeping the diaper bag stocked, and baby proofing the house (ish).

The odd thing is that while doing all these wonderful things to promote homesteading and homemaking, the homestead and home have grown to be a bit shabby. Our lawnmower (which doubles as our micro tractor) was in and out of the mechanics shop and still isn’t working. So pastures are overgrown and sheep fleeces are looking a little rough.

We are settling into a new normal but it takes time. Kyle has taken over being the Main Homesteader while I am the primary caretaker for our healthy and speedily growing little boy.

We have found a good rhythm for packaging and sending out orders for our book, soap and yarn.

We are working on right sizing farm ventures to be more manageable.

I discovered new app features so hopefully will update this blog more regularly!

Thank you, dear readers and customers, for all your support, patience and love while we adjust to several new seasons in our family and homestead!


Winter prep for Summer


HOA book launch